Microsoft Power BI Desktop is a full featured alternative to the Power BI addins / features that can be integrated into Microsoft Excel. Both alternatives are intended for the creation of corporate decision-making reports in whole range of the [...]
  • PBID
  • Duration 3 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 18 terms
  • Praha (12 000 Kč)

    Brno (12 000 Kč)

    Bratislava (510 €)

  • Intermediate

Microsoft Power BI Desktop is a full featured alternative to the Power BI addins / features that can be integrated into Microsoft Excel. Both alternatives are intended for the creation of corporate decision-making reports in whole range of the problematics. These tools are able to access data stored in almost any format in the file system or in a variety of server data sources, perform variour data manipulation (like combination of individual datasets based on the interconnecting keys, additional calculations, creation of hierarchical structures, etc.), to data aggregation and presentation of results in the form of graphic reports. With Microsoft Power BI Destop you can get access to modern, sophisticated, flexible, but relatively simple method of creating business reports, regardless of Microsoft Office version used in your company.


For all users who need to quickly and efficiently create interactive corporate reports.

Any experiences with databases are great advantage for this training.

Application description

Data connection

  • Live connection
  • Imprts
  • Import from PowerPivot data model
  • Update options

Background queries (PowerQuery)

Data sources

  • Non-relational
  • Relational
  • Active vs. non-active relations
  • Cardinality of relations
  • Direction of cross-filter

Unexpected change of data source

Building of data model

Building & using calendar

Data categorization


  • Single tabular
  • Multitabular
  • P\C hierarchies

Column DAX functions

Tabular DAX functions




  • Built-in
    • Tables + conditional formatting
    • Charts
    • R script visual
  • Custom
  • Customization of visual (demo)
  • Modification of tooltip help


Data Drilling


  • Visual level
  • Page level
  • Report level



  • Power BI Services (Office 365)
    • Content packages
    • E-mail
    • Iframe
    • QR codes
  • Pyramid Analytics (paid)
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.