This course is designed for users, who need to create relational databases in Microsoft Access, fill in data, analyse and execute it and create simple applications. You learn how to create simple relational databases, work with them and create [...]
  • MSAC1
  • Duration 5 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 6 terms
  • Praha (16 500 Kč)

    Brno (16 500 Kč)

    Bratislava (700 €)

  • Intermediate

This course is designed for users, who need to create relational databases in Microsoft Access, fill in data, analyse and execute it and create simple applications. You learn how to create simple relational databases, work with them and create simple applications.

This course is suitable for users of every version of Microsoft Office products. Excel is a well-matured application and control of its interface has not changed significantly since the 2007 version. There will be 3 latest Excel versions installed in each classroom in case the users would like to work with the version they are accustomed to. The student‘s books of appropriate versions will also be available.

This course is assigned for users, who have never worked with Access database.
You learn how to create simple relational databases, work with them and create simple applications.
Basics of work with computer and Microsoft Windows system.

Introduction to relational databases

Viewing datasheet

  • User operations

Design view

  • Setting of properties of items


  • By selection, by form
  • Elementary syntax of expressions

Relations between tables

  • Setting properties of relations


  • Counted fields
  • Counting totals
  • Parametrical queries
  • Crosstab query
  • Action queries


  • Form sections
  • Editing source query or table
  • Form properties
  • Controls and its properties
  • Expressions in forms
  • Using charts, pictures and other objects


  • Templates of reports
  • Reports and controls
  • Using sections and page breaks
  • Using expressions in reports
  • Sorting and grouping, header and footer of group

Database administration

Export and import

Innovations in MS Access

Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.