Students design optimal structure of relational database, find out right number of entities, relations and atributes, they also define constraints (primary keys, foreign keys, unique, check, not null).
  • NRD
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 8 terms
  • Praha (6 600 Kč)

    Brno (6 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (300 €)

Students design optimal structure of relational database, find out right number of entities, relations and atributes, they also define constraints (primary keys, foreign keys, unique, check, not null).

The course is primary set for users who are responsible for design, administration or querying relational databases.
Students learn design optimal relational database structure and obtain necessary knowledge for administration or querying relational database.

Introduction to relation database modeling

  • Definition of database
  • Traditional data storage file systems
  • Relational database management systems
  • How to do " a right design "
  • Best Practise in data modeling

    Terminology and database design concepts

  • Basic terms in data models
  • Identification of model objects
  • Entity
  • Attribute
  • Relation
  • Relation properties
  • Primary and foreign key
  • Advanced relations

    E-R diagrams

  • What is E-R diagram
  • Benefits of E-R diagrams in design
  • Creation of E-R Diagram

    Normal forms

  • Benefits of normalized data
  • Normal forms (1-3 Normal Form)
  • Denormalization

    Physical database model

  • Transformation of E-R diagram into physical database
  • Index
  • Data integrity - why to use
  • Benefits and the use of CASE software in database design

  • Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.