In this course, you will learn to use the latest features and functions that come with the latest version of Javascript ES2016 and later. Javascript is a very dynamic language and every year a new version brings with it new and practical [...]
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 4 terms
  • Praha (15 400 Kč)

    Brno (15 400 Kč)

    Bratislava (660 €)

  • Intermediate

In this course, you will learn to use the latest features and functions that come with the latest version of Javascript ES2016 and later. Javascript is a very dynamic language and every year a new version brings with it new and practical features. In this course we will teach you how to use and improve your skills and applications.

  • We will teach you new constructions that the current version of the javascript programming language offers.

The course is intended for users who want to use and improve their application according to the latest javascript language standards.

  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript programming at the level of the JS_ES6 course is assumed
  • Expert interpretation with practical examples, exercises on computers.
  • Online presentation of discussed material and exercises.


  • Array.prototype.includes
  • Exponentiation operator


  • Object.values Object.entries function
  • String padding
  • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
  • Async function and its properties


  • Promise.prototype.finally
  • Iteration in an asynchronous function


  • Object.fromEntries
  • New flat and flat map operators for working with an array
  • TrimStart and trimEnd functions

And more

  • Dynamic import
  • BigInt
  • Promise.allSettled
  • And more
Current offer
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Course language

The prices are without VAT.