The web services course will teach you how to create and process web services, both on the backend and frontend side. In the course, we will discuss basic and advanced techniques for processing http requests, including the use of authorization [...]
  • JS_WS
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (15 400 Kč)

    Brno (15 400 Kč)

    Bratislava (660 €)

  • Intermediate

The web services course will teach you how to create and process web services, both on the backend and frontend side. In the course, we will discuss basic and advanced techniques for processing http requests, including the use of authorization headers. In the course, we will focus on both the classic REST API and the processing of realtime data from web sockets using the rxjs javascript library.

  • we will discuss basic and advanced techniques for processing http requests, including the use of authorization headers.
  • we will focus on both the classic REST API and the processing of realtime data from web sockets using the rxjs javascript library.
  • Use Callbacks, Promises, Observables, REST API, SOAP and Realtime data
  • The course is intended for developers who need to solve the communication between the server and the frontend application.
  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript programming at the level of the INTJS course is assumed
  • Expert interpretation with practical examples, exercises on computers.
  • Online presentation of discussed material and exercises.

Introduction to Web Services Theory

  • SOAP

Construction in javascript language

  • Asynchronous vs synchronous javascript
  • Blocking vs. non-blocking
  • Event loop
  • Callbacks
  • Promises
  • Async/await
  • Observables

Communication with the backend

Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.