This classroom course of two days explains how to balance the workload on the IBM i system to ensure optimum performance. Specifically, this course explains how to manage workloads, measure system performance, and tune the operating system to [...]
  • OL23G
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (28 200 Kč)

    Brno (28 200 Kč)

    Bratislava (1 180 €)

This classroom course of two days explains how to balance the workload on the IBM i system to ensure optimum performance. Specifically, this course explains how to manage workloads, measure system performance, and tune the operating system to meet processing requirements. Hands-on exercises give you the opportunity to use the system functions that are available for controlling workload and tuning system performance. Evaluation criteria presented in this course are based on the latest information available from IBM development labs.


This is an intermediate course is designed for data processing managers, programmers, and analysts.

You should be able to:

  • Start and stop the operating system
  • Start and stop subsystems
  • Manage job, message, and output queues
  • Describe security concepts and create user profiles

Manage jobs by:

  • Setting the appropriate system values
  • Modifying subsystem descriptions to fit the workload
  • Controlling batch jobs
  • Tailoring job descriptions to fit processing needs

Create unique environments for running jobs by:

  • Creating subsystems for special applications
  • Directing jobs to run in these subsystems
  • Developing job descriptions for special jobs

Tune the performance of the system by:

  • Setting up pools and activity levels to handle jobs
  • Tailoring execution parameters for job priorities
  • Evaluating current performance using information provided by the system
  • Changing system values and parameters as the workload changes
Current offer
Training location
Course language

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