Microsoft certifications are some of the most highly regarded in the industry. Do you really want to prove that you are a specialist in what you do? Or get your dream job? With certification, you'll be one step closer to your goals again. Don't miss this opportunity! Take one of our MOC courses and get a free certification.
Have you already done something with the program but would like to improve your knowledge? We offer advanced courses in Azure and Microsoft 365. Exams and certificates are at the Advanced level.
Sign up for these advanced courses:
Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (MOC AZ-305)
Microsoft Azure - DevOps (MOC AZ-400)
These courses will help you prepare for the exams so you can earn these certifications.
Get these certifications with courses:
Microsoft 365 - Expert: Enterprise Administrator 1 (MOC MS-100)
Microsoft 365 - Expert: Enterprise Administrator 2 (MOC MS-101)
We have a wide range of courses that can help you prepare for the Intermediate level exams.
Microsoft 365 - Associate: Modern Desktop Administrator 1 (MOC MD-100) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft 365 - Associate: Modern Desktop Administrator 2 (MOC MD-101) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft Security Operations Analyst (MOC SC-200) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator (MOC SC-300) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft 365 - Microsoft Information Protection Administrator (MOC SC-400) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft 365 Messaging (MOC MS-203) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft 365 - Associate: Security Administrator (MOC MS-500) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Building applications and solutions with Microsoft 365 core services (MOC MS-600) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Managing Microsoft Teams (MOC MS-700) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft Azure Administrator (MOC AZ-104) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Developing solutions for Microsoft Azure (MOC AZ-204) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft Azure - Associate: Azure Security Technologies (MOC AZ-500) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions (MOC AZ-700) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure (MOC AZ-800) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure (MOC DP-100) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure (MOC DP-203) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Administering Microsoft Azure SQL Solutions (MOC DP-300) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst (MOC PL-300) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft Power Platform App Maker (MOC PL-100) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Microsoft Power Platform Developer (MOC PL-400) - prepare for the exam and earn this certificate
Book and take one of the above courses. Upon completion of the course, email to request a voucher for selected certification exam (be sure to indicate which course you took).
Offer valid until February 28, 2023 and does not apply to Microsoft Fundamentals courses and certifications.