The course is designed for web developers who need to understand and subsequently use AJAX technology for creating modern WWW applications. In this course you will learn to understand the technologies for creating complex interactive WWW [...]
  • Duration 1 day
  • 10 ITK points
  • 4 terms
  • Praha (4 600 Kč)

    Brno (4 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (215 €)

  • Beginner

The course is designed for web developers who need to understand and subsequently use AJAX technology for creating modern WWW applications. In this course you will learn to understand the technologies for creating complex interactive WWW applications which are overall marked as AJAX. You will learn to create the modern WWW applications with user friendly and intuitive control, set just on these technologies. Take part in the Creation of the Web Applications via AJAX Course and get a personal licence for the IntelliJ IDEA product free.


The course is designed for web developers who need to understand and subsequently use AJAX technology for creating modern WWW applications.

In this course you will learn to understand the technologies for creating complex interactive WWW applications which are overall marked as AJAX. You will learn to create the modern WWW applications with user friendly and intuitive control, set just on these technologies.

The knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, object model DOM, CSS, XML basics and common knowledge of script language PHP and ASP.NET.


Overview and basic principles of technologies for AJAX
HTTP protocol
HTML and XHTML languages, cascading CSS style sheets 
JavaScript language and XMLHttpRequest object
Object model of DOM document
XML, JSON languages
Techniques of programming on the server site PHP, ASP.NET

How AJAX works?

Simple WWW application which uses AJAX and the function description
JavaScript, DOM and programming on the events basis
Object XMLHttpRequest, its characteristics and methods, the principles of asynchronous calling 
Working with XML structures on the client and server site

Examples of AJAX applications

Data verification in forms
Automatic finishing (Google suggest, Seznam autocomplete)
Moving by drag and drop in WWW application



Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.