In the first part of this course you will learn how to use Adobe Photoshop for working with tonality in the original photograph, use it to create special alpha channel and then masks. These techniques allow you to mask the seemingly impossible [...]
  • PHSH10
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (7 800 Kč)

    Brno (7 800 Kč)

    Bratislava (340 €)

  • Intermediate

In the first part of this course you will learn how to use Adobe Photoshop for working with tonality in the original photograph, use it to create special alpha channel and then masks. These techniques allow you to mask the seemingly impossible – transparent, semi-transparent and blurred objects or often remembered hair. Masks can then be used in creating advanced photomontage and collage. In the second part of the course you will learn how to adjust skin tones for portrait on the desired color, remove minor defects and imperfections, brighten portrait, eliminate glare caused when shooting. Other discussed techniques will be changing and adjustment of certain body proportions, whitening the whites of the eyes and other common requirements of advertising agencies. All this will be done using layers, masks and blending modes.


The course is intended for users with moderately advanced knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, who want to learn how to maximize the use of alpha channels, masks and techniques retouching and editing portraits.

  • advanced create alpha channels
  • application of filters and tools for color correction on the alpha channel
  • creating tonal masks
  • application of filters and other tools to mask
  • use blending modes
  • Various techniques for removing color edges
  • correct color composition of common and exotic skin tones
  • digital retouching skin
  • whitening the whites of the eyes, whiten teeth, change eye shades, lipstick, etc.
  • brightening portraits
  • use Liquify tool in the treatment of body proportions

Knowledge on the level of course Adobe Photoshop - Advanced Techniques.

First day
  • advanced work with alpha channel, editing modes
  • mode "selection in the selection"
  • application of filters and tonal adjustments to alpha channels
  • brush application in the blending mode to alpha channels
  • tonal masks - the basics of creating
  • tonal masks - advanced work with functions and calculations
  • Masking Hair - techniques and procedures
  • methods of removing edges
  • use clipping masks for multi-colored edge
  • use blending modes when photomontage
Second day
  • work with blending modes
  • digital retouching skin - removing skin blemishes
  • digital retouching skin - change brightness of eyes, teeth
  • brightening skin, color highlighting
  • change colors, normal skin tones, exotic tone
  • reflections and their removal
  • Liquify filter and its use for digital retouching
  • Special coloring when editing portraits
  • glamor photography and post-production in Photoshop
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.