Adobe InDesign - Using XML in Publishing teaches advanced users to use XML in dynamic workflows in InDesign.
  • INDE4
  • Duration 1 day
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (3 900 Kč)

    Brno (3 900 Kč)

    Bratislava (170 €)

  • Intermediate

Adobe InDesign - Using XML in Publishing teaches advanced users to use XML in dynamic workflows in InDesign.


The course is intended for advanced users of Adobe Indesign who want to use the XML format in publishing.

  • introduction to XML
  • creation and editing of XML document
  • XML tools in Adobe InDesign
  • Structure panel
  • Tags panel
  • XML import
  • XML layout creation
  • use XSLT

Knowledge of Adobe InDesign in the range of INDE and INDE2 courses.

Introduction to XML
  • element, attribute
  • DTD, XML schema
  • XSLT transformation
  • XML rules, Well-Formed document
  • comparison of XML and HTML
Creating and editing an XML document
  • XML creation in MS Office
  • XML creation in Adobe Dreamweaver
  • XML editors
XML tools in Adobe InDesign
  • Structure panel
  • Tags panel
  • displaying tag tags
  • highlighting tagged frames
Structure panel
  • XML import
  • identification of XML elements, attributes and comments
  • creation and editing of new XML elements
  • tagging elements
  • mapping tags to styles
  • mapping styles to tags
  • tagging preset options
  • XML export
Tags panel
  • tagging, re-tagging and untagging text
  • tagging and untagging graphic frames
  • parent and child elements
XML import
  • import XML into InDesign
  • inclusion of elements in the layout
  • import XML into tables
  • creating tables with XML
  • import CALS tables
Creating an XML layout
  • XML-based layout strategy
  • "Frame Layout" vs "Flow Layout"
  • structure identification from imported XML
  • creating a new Frame Layout
  • creating a Frame Layout from XML
  • Creating a Multipart Frame Layout
  • creating a new Flow Layout
  • creating a Flow Layout from XML
  • Multipart Flow Layout creation
Using XSLT
  • use XSLT to change XML during import
  • use XSLT to change XML when exporting
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.