In this course, participants will be introduced to advanced document typesetting techniques and techniques in Adobe InDesign and will be able to create comprehensive large-scale publications. Great emphasis is placed on practical exercises.
  • INDE2
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 5 terms
  • Praha (6 600 Kč)

    Brno (6 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (290 €)

  • Intermediate

In this course, participants will be introduced to advanced document typesetting techniques and techniques in Adobe InDesign and will be able to create comprehensive large-scale publications. Great emphasis is placed on practical exercises.


The course is intended for more advanced users who need to gain deeper knowledge and experience with Adobe InDesign and its add-on elements.

  • advanced formatting of documents
  • use object and table styles
  • create content and index
  • work with Bézier curves
  • set program preferences
  • automate your work

The course assumes knowledge at the level of the basic Adobe InDesign course.

Adobe InDesign preferences
Working with text

  • work with baseline grid
  • nested styles
  • GREP styles
  • text variables
  • comment
  • change tracking
Graphics and effects

  • object styles
  • libraries
  • use of Adobe Bridge

  • principles of Bézier curves
  • creation and editing of paths
  • text on the path
Combination of graphics and text

  • import channels, paths, and masks and layers from Adobe Photoshop
  • anchored objects

  • table styles
  • cell styles
Processing of long documents

  • books
  • content
  • index
  • footnotes
  • divisions and pagination
  • text boxes
  • cross-references
  • bookmarks
  • use of patterns
Outputs from InDesign

  • pre-exit inspection
  • preparation for printing
  • document export
  • imposition
Work automation

  • data merging
  • scripts
  • plug-ins
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.