This four-days instructor-led course gives students understanding of Win32, .NET and .NET core and UWP applications and understanding of how malware spreads, how it infects systems and how it hides inside. The training covers methods of [...]
  • GOC12
  • Duration 4 days
  • 40 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (18 000 Kč)

    Brno (18 000 Kč)

    Bratislava (800 €)

  • Advanced

This four-days instructor-led course gives students understanding of Win32, .NET and .NET core and UWP applications and understanding of how malware spreads, how it infects systems and how it hides inside. The training covers methods of application troubleshooting and also protection methods that can minimize malware spreading or its gains.


Knowledge in extent of the courses which are listed in the bellow sections Previous Courses and Related Courses
Good understanding of TCP/IP and DNS technologies

Introduction to Windows architecture
Processes and threads
Process and kernel memory management
Local Security Authority (LSASS)
Security subsystem, user identity and auditing
Application monitoring
SysInternals tools
Process Explorer (procexp)
Process Monitor (procmon)
Toolkit PSTools
Autoruns tool and its avoidance
User Account Control (UAC)
Application compatibility
64-bit platform and WOW (Windows on Windows)
.NET and .NET core platform and PowerShell
Older built-in scripting language VBScript
Today's malware and its spreading
Malware under limited accounts and its abilities
Software keyloggers and GUI click-jacking
Malware as web browser plug-ins
Rootkits and RootkitRevealer
Antimalware technology options
Mandatory Access Control
Data Execution Prevention
Service Hardening
Windows Firewall
Software Restriction Policies and application whitelisting
AppLocker and application whitelisting
Powershell auditing and blocking
Monitoring application usage and auditing

Most Microsoft certification exams do not require students to attend an official MOC course in order to pass the exam. This applies to all certifications except for MCM
Official Microsoft MOC courses as well as our own GOC courses are good ways of preparation for Microsoft certifications such as MCP, MTA, MCSA, MCSE or MCM
This does not mean that official MOC courses would serve as the only necessary praparation. The primary goal of an MOC course is to provide for sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical experience to effectively work with the related product
MOC courses usually cover most of the topics required by their respective certification exams, but often do not give every topic the same amount of time and emphassis as may be required to completelly pass the exam

Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.