In this course, we will get to know the popular Javascript framework Vue.js. The course is focused on understanding the concept of Vue.js and its basic functionality, while we will create a simple single page application as part of the course. [...]
  • VUEJS1
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 5 terms
  • Praha (23 100 Kč)

    Brno (23 100 Kč)

    Bratislava (990 €)

  • Intermediate

In this course, we will get to know the popular Javascript framework Vue.js. The course is focused on understanding the concept of Vue.js and its basic functionality, while we will create a simple single page application as part of the course. You will learn how to use routing, you will become familiar with the application life cycle and state management, and you will also learn to work with forms and other auxiliary libraries.

  • We will teach you to create your own simple applications in Vue.js
  • You will learn to use routing and become familiar with the application life cycle and state management
  • You will learn to work with forms and other helper libraries
  • The course is intended for developers who want to learn to work with the latest javascript framework Vue.js
  • The course assumes basic knowledge of JavaScript version ES5 and ES6 at the INTJS and JS_ES6 course level
  • Expert interpretation with practical examples, exercises on computers.
  • Online presentation of discussed material and exercises.


  • What is Vue.Js?
  • Framework history
  • Comparison with other frameworks

The theoretical part

  • Presentation of data
  • Variable interpolation and data display
  • Built-in directives
  • Rendering of more complex data types

Work with data

  • Data binding
  • Calling actions
  • Events

Using lifecycle hooks

  • BeforeCreate
  • Created
  • BeforeMount
  • Mounted and more


  • Basics of routing in SPA
  • Dynamic routing and history
  • Global components

Vuex - state management

  • What is vuex?
  • What is a state management pattern
  • State && Getters
  • Actions and mutations


  • Validation of forms
  • Form submission
  • Error handling

Auxiliary libraries

  • Vue CLI
  • Vue Router
  • Vue DevTools
  • Nuxt.js
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.