This course course shows you how to troubleshoot LAN, SAN, Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric, Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS), and Cisco Application-Centric Infrastructure (ACI). You will learn methodologies and tools to identify issues [...]
  • DCIT
  • Duration 5 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 1 term
  • Praha (79 900 Kč)

    Brno (on request)

    Bratislava (3 200 €)

  • Intermediate

This course course shows you how to troubleshoot LAN, SAN, Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric, Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS), and Cisco Application-Centric Infrastructure (ACI). You will learn methodologies and tools to identify issues that may occur in data center network architecture. You will get extensive hands-on practice troubleshooting installation, configuration and interconnectivity issues on Cisco MDS switches, Cisco Nexus switches, Cisco Fabric Extenders (FEXs), Cisco UCS, Cisco ACI, and more. DCIT training is a part of the CCNP Data Center certification.

  • Troubleshooting process, undestanding and using troubleshooting tools
  • Troubleshooting network related issues - layer 2 and 3 technologies, overlay technologies
  • Troubleshooting SAN enviroment
  • Troubleshooting UCS solution
  • Troubleshooting ACI network

" Configure, secure, and maintain LAN and SAN based on Cisco Nexus and MDS switches " Configure, secure, and maintain Cisco Unified Computing System " Configure, secure, and maintain Cisco ACI

Professional explanation with practical samples and examples.

Electronical guide book for this course.

MDS switches, Nexus switches, Fabric Extenders (FEXs), UCS, ACI. It's recommended to bring your own notebook, but not required. All students will have their own workstation to use during the course.

Current offer
Training location
Course language

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