The goal of this course is to provide you with a solid foundation in Firepower Threat defense NGFW technology. You will gain the competency and skills required to implement and manage a Firepower system regardless of platform. Through detailed [...]
  • Duration 5 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (89 900 Kč)

    Brno (on request)

    Bratislava (2 690 €)

The goal of this course is to provide you with a solid foundation in Firepower Threat defense NGFW technology. You will gain the competency and skills required to implement and manage a Firepower system regardless of platform. Through detailed information on policy management, traffic flow through the system, and the system architecture you will be enabled with the skills necessary to deploy and manage many of the advanced features available in the Firepower system.


As a standard, we implement a full-time course (onsite or ILT *) in the ALEF Training Center. Upon agreement, it is possible to implement the course at the client's premises. The course can also be implemented online (vILT **) via a video conferencing platform - Cisco Webex meetings. Instructor-led virtual training is a combination of the best of a traditional classroom course and interactive training without having to leave your own office or the comfort of your home. Convince yourself of top quality transmission, video calls and effective team collaboration.


ILT - Instructor Led-Training * - instructor-led training in the classroom. ** vILT (Virtual Instructor-Led Training) - this is a form of distance learning, where the instructor conducts training from the classroom through an online platform to which students connect from their offices or the comfort of their home.

Knowledge of TCP/IP, Basic routing protocols, Familiar with a concept of Firewall, VPN and IPS concepts.

Participants will receive access to an electronic version of the study materials.

  • Describe Cisco FTD
  • Perform preliminary NGFW configuration tasks
  • Implement NGFW traffic control
  • Implementing NAT in the Cisco Firepower Management Centre
  • Configure Network Discovery
  • Implement an Access Control Policy
  • Implement Security Intelligence
  • Describe file control and advanced malware protection
  • Describe next-generation IPS
  • Configure and troubleshoot site-to-site VPN
  • Implement Remote VPN
  • Configure SSL policies
  • Analyze common events in the Firepower
  • Perform Firepower administration tasks
  • Troubleshoot common Firepower issues


Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.