This course is designed to give participants an overview of the different integration technologies, used in SAP solutions. The bandwidth starts with traditional integration technologies and spams to cloud solutions. The participants will gain [...]
  • BIT100
  • Duration 1 day
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (13 225 Kč)

    Brno (on request)

    Bratislava (on request)

This course is designed to give participants an overview of the different integration technologies, used in SAP solutions. The bandwidth starts with traditional integration technologies and spams to cloud solutions. The participants will gain knowledge about the different SAP integration technology components. Course based on software release: SAP Process Orchestration 7.50 SP25

  • Application Consultant
  • Business Process Architect
  • Business Process Owner / Team Lead / Power User
  • Developer
  • Development Consultant
  • Enterprise Architect
  • Executive
  • Industry Specialist
  • Project Manager
  • Solution Architect
  • System Administrator
  • System Architect
  • Technology Consultant
  • User
  • End User

This course will prepare you to:

  • Explain scenarios and processes in SAP NetWeaver process integration
  • Understand the usage of the different development tools and how these tools interact
  • Model easy Integration scenarios




  • Basic understanding of integration technology
  • SAP Process Orchestration
    • Explaining SAP Process Integration
    • Explaining SAP Process Orchestration
    • Explaining SAP Process Orchestration Architecture
    • Explaining SAP PO Development Tools
  • SAP Process Integration Design Time
    • Explaining the System Landscape Directory (SLD)
    • Explaining Design Objects
    • Mapping Objects in ESR
  • SAP Process Integration Runtime
    • Using HTTP_AAE Adapter as Sender
    • Using File Adapter as Receiver
    • Creating and Deploying iFlows to the AEX
    • Monitoring Messages in PiMon
  • This is an overview course, which gives basic information about the most relevant integration technologies.
Current offer
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Course language

The prices are without VAT.