This course is designed for integration designers and developers with design and development responsibilities for building integrations from and to Cloud applications. This course includes intensive hands-on exercises to get a fundamental [...]
  • CLD900
  • Duration 3 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 3 terms
  • Praha (39 675 Kč)

    Brno (on request)

    Bratislava (on request)

This course is designed for integration designers and developers with design and development responsibilities for building integrations from and to Cloud applications. This course includes intensive hands-on exercises to get a fundamental understanding of SAP Business Technology Platform Integration Suite. Participants will learn e.g. how to create integration flows. Course based on software release: SAP Integration Suite actual service, SAP Business Technology Platform.

  • Application Consultant
  • Business Process Architect
  • Business Process Owner/Team Lead/Power User
  • Developer
  • Development Consultant
  • Solution Architect
  • System Architect
  • Technology Consultant

This course will prepare you to:

  • Describe SAP Cloud Platform Integration
  • Use the required Tools, Processes and Operations
  • Work with iFlows
  • Use the Prepackaged Content
  • Work with Adapters
  • Explain Security Aspects and Monitoring


  • Basic knowledge about Cloud Integration
  • BTP100


  • BIT100
  • Introduction to SAP Business Technology Platform - SAP Integration Suite
    • Distributed architectures and their challenges
    • API First Approach
    • Operating modes of API architectures
    • Introduction to REST
    • Introduction to OData
    • SAP Graph
  • Introduction to iPaaS
    • The Integration Strategy of SAP
    • SAP Integration Solution Advisory Methodology (ISA-M)
    • Positioning of the Integration Suite from a more technical Perspective
    • API Provisioning
    • Introduction to SAP API Management
    • Technical Overview
    • Create an API Provider
    • Create an API
    • Use Policies
    • Edit an API
    • Create a Product
  • Logging and Monitoring
    • Process APIs
    • Introduction to Cloud Integration
    • Development cycle
    • Message Monitoring and Logging
  • Camel Data model and Simple Expression Language
    • Process Modeling
    • Modeling iFlows Overview
    • Learn the Basics
    • Adapters
    • Mapping
    • Adapter Outbound Security
    • Exception handling
    • Scripting
    • Adapter Inbound Security
  • Integration Patterns
  • Revision 20
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.