The aim of this course is to prepare the participants to work on authorizations and security on the SAP HANA Platform. The course initially covers security functionalities including implementation scenario and security administration tools. [...]
  • HA940
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (24 960 Kč)

    Brno (on request)

    Bratislava (on request)

The aim of this course is to prepare the participants to work on authorizations and security on the SAP HANA Platform. The course initially covers security functionalities including implementation scenario and security administration tools. Then it focuses on user-, authorization-, and authentication- management. Specific exercises are proposed, about enabling cross-database authorization in tenant databases, User Groups, Audit Logging and Authorization trace. Authorization concepts of SAP HANA XSA application development are also introduced. Course based on software release: SAP HANA 2.0 SPS05

  • Database Administrator
  • Security Administrator
  • Technology Consultant
  • System Architect

This course will prepare you to:

  • work on authorizations and security on the SAP HANA Platform.


  • Basic understanding of SAP HANA functionalities and scenarios


  • HA100
  • HA200
  • Introducing SAP HANA security
    • Outlining security functions
    • Describing SAP HANA implementation scenarios
  • Using SAP HANA administration tools
  • Managing users and user groups
  • Implementing authorizations in the SAP HANA database
    • Describing object ownership rules
    • Introducing authorizations and database roles management
    • Creating Catalog roles
    • Creating HDI roles
  • Setting up personal database user accounts
    • Administer the SYSTEM user
  • Managing authentication
  • Enabling cross-database authorization in tenant databases
  • Analyzing users and authorizations
    • Tracing authorization errors
    • Viewing information about users and authorizations
  • Using Audit Logging
    • Managing audit logging on a tenant and the system database
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.