The course is designed for beginning developers in the Language typescript who want to learn the basics of the language. On the course you will learn to use basic and advanced language constructs such as data types, variables, conditions, [...]
  • INTTS1
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 5 terms
  • Praha (23 100 Kč)

    Brno (23 100 Kč)

    Bratislava (990 €)

  • Beginner

The course is designed for beginning developers in the Language typescript who want to learn the basics of the language. On the course you will learn to use basic and advanced language constructs such as data types, variables, conditions, loops, and functions, but also learn the basics of object-oriented programming in typescript.

  • Basic knowledge of algorithms and programming
  • Preferably previous experience with programming in other languages, such as C language, Pascal, Visual Bacic, Java or C #
  • Professional explanation with practical samples and examples.
  • Powerpoint handouts and module printouts.

Introduction to the Language typescript

  • Language typescript
  • Development environment

Data Types and Operators

  • Var, years, and const
  • Union, guards, aliases
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Boolean operators
  • Bitwise operators
  • Assignment operators

Flow control program

  • The if statement
  • The switch
  • While statement
  • Command for


  • Functions such as data type
  • Function declarations and function expressions
  • Optional parameters
  • Default values
  • Rest parameters
  • Overloading
  • Function scope
  • Immediately invoked functions
  • Generic functions
  • Tag functions and tagged templates
  • Arrow functions

Object-oriented programming in typescript (OOP)

  • Class
  • Heredity
  • Mixins
  • Generic classes
  • Interface
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.