We will prepare you for the PMI-PMP® (Project Management Professional) or CAPM® exam, we are an accredited training partner of PMI® in the Czech Republic.
  • Duration 5 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (47 900 Kč)

    Brno (on request)

    Bratislava (on request)

We will prepare you for the PMI-PMP® (Project Management Professional) or CAPM® exam, we are an accredited training partner of PMI® in the Czech Republic.


International PMI-PMP certification (Project Management Professional) is one of the most challenging certifications in project management and we will prepare you for it. The reward for the high level of difficulty of the exam will be the prestige that PMP certificate holders enjoy in the world of project management professionals.

To succeed in the exam, you need to deal with 180 situational questions in less than 4 hours. The ratio of questions from the environment of agile and predictively managed projects in the test is approximately 50:50. At the same time, approximately half of the questions are focused on soft skills (teamwork, communication, conflicts, etc.) and the other half tests hard skills (backlogs, WBS, roadmaps, Gantry, etc. )

By participating in our course, you will meet the requirement for the exam – min. 35 hours of education in project management. During five Fridays of intensive preparation, we will familiarize you with everything you will need to know for the exam. In addition to knowledge, real-life experience that will help you answer situational questions is also important for exam success.

Jirka Krátký will advise you how to take the PMP exam and how to pass it on our blog.

Each course participant will receive a licensed workbook, 400+ practice test questions and access to a digital course folder directly from PMI. 

  • You will learn everything you need to know to pass the PMP or CAPM exam
  • You get licensed learning materials and 400+ practice questions directly from PMI
  • You will know how to manage projects in both a predictive and agile world

We use the Microsoft Teams or Zoom environment, to which we invite you.

Another tool used is MURAL. It does not need any installation on your device and everything takes place only in the browser. We use MURAL for team exercises as a common work surface. After the course, we will send you the results of your exercises as a snapshot of the given desktop in pdf.

For compatibility and performance reasons, you need to use Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Microsoft browsers (Edge, Internet Explorer) have performance issues in this environment.

You will receive a workbook and any other materials suitable for printing in advance in the form of a PDF. You will work with them during some exercises and write notes in them.

At the same time, you will receive an invitation to test the connection and the necessary online tools, as well as a contact to solve any problems.

You will receive licensed study materials from the PMI workshop

The course content is determined by PMI, you will receive the latest licensed materials valid from January 2023:

Day 1: Introduction to PMP certification, business context, project initiation

  • PMP/CAPM certification and how to get it, case study introduction
  • Business environment – alignment with the organization’s strategy
  • Project benefits and value
  • Organizational culture, governance
  • Stakeholder identification and engagement
  • Team formation
  • Shared understanding of assignments
  • Approaches to project management

Day 2: Project planning – predictive, agile, hybrid approaches

  • Approaches to project planning
  • Scope planning
  • Timetable
  • Resources
  • Budget
  • Risks
  • Quality
  • Integration of Plans

Day 3: Team Management

  • Developing leadership skills
  • Creating a collaborative environment in the team
  • Communication and collaboration within the team and with stakeholders
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Conflict Management

Day 4: Project Team Support

  • Continuous team improvement
  • Performance Support
  • Evaluation of project progress
  • Manage open points and remove performance bottlenecks
  • Change Management

Day 5: Finishing the project, practice test

  • End of project/phase
  • Achieving Benefits
  • Knowledge transfer

Practice test – 100 mock exam questions

The exam is conducted in English, you will receive course materials and tests in English, the course is conducted in English. Everything happens online.

  • payment for the PMP® exam and annual membership in the PMI® association - CZK 11,900 without VAT - we will arrange the payment of the PMI membership and payment for the PMP exam if you prefer to have one invoice for both the course and the exam. By becoming a member of the PMI Association, you get access to the electronic version of all standards published by PMI, including the PM BoK® and other electronic resources for exam preparation.
  • printed book A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PM BOK Guide) – 2,250 CZK without VAT.
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.