Praha (66 400 Kč)
Brno (66 400 Kč)
Bratislava (2 595 €)
This Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Administration II is a continuation of the Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Administration I course. It trains you how to perform important WebLogic Server administrative tasks, employing best practices that allow you to make the most of your WebLogic applications. Increase the reliability, availability, scalability, and performance (RASP) of your organization’s applications and services with the #1 application server. Take advantage of WebLogic Server features to maximize the effectiveness of your enterprise. This course trains administrators in WebLogic Server administrative tasks related to managing the day to day operations of running applications, including performing rolling upgrades, creating and using domain templates, configuring automatic crash recovery, and creating and running WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) scripts. This course trains administrators in WebLogic Server administrative tasks related to real-world management of application deployments, including using deployment modes, creating and using deployment plans, deploying shared libraries, and deploying versioned applications and libraries.
výklad s praktickými ukázkami, cvičení na počítačích.
školení Oracle
oblíbenou formou školení jsou nahrávané kurzy On Demand zahrnující 90 dnů
samostudia kdykoliv a kdekoliv s TOP lektorem. Dalšími možnými formáty studia
jsou kurzy probíhající přímo v učebně v Počítačové škole Gopas nebo ve
společnosti Oracle, dále formát Live Virtual Class (školení on-line) či
Selft-Study (samostudium ve formě CD, nebo download). Podrobnější informace k
těmto možnostem studia najdete zde.
Elektronické autorizované materiály Oracle v anglickém jazyce.
WebLogic Server Review
Upgrading WebLogic Server
Creating and Using Domain Templates
WebLogic Server Startup and Crash Recovery
WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST)
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Application Staging and Deployment Plans
Shared Java EE Libraries
Production Redeployment
Application Work Managers
Managing Data Sources
Working with the Security Realm
High Availability, Migration, and Disaster Recovery
Diagnostic Framework
The prices are without VAT.