V tomto kurzu si zkušení administrátoři rozšíří své znalosti o monitorování, ladění a nastavování databázové instance. Naučí se identifikovat, co způsobuje výkonnostní problémy, diagnostikovat je a následně je řešit. Účastníci se seznámí s [...]
  • ORPT
  • Duration 5 days
  • 75 ITK points
  • 6 terms
  • Praha (66 400 Kč)

    Brno (66 400 Kč)

    Bratislava (2 595 €)

V tomto kurzu si zkušení administrátoři rozšíří své znalosti o monitorování, ladění a nastavování databázové instance. Naučí se identifikovat, co způsobuje výkonnostní problémy, diagnostikovat je a následně je řešit. Účastníci se seznámí s metodikou ladění, nástroji pro monitoring a diagnostiku, jak reagovat a využívat advisors a předcházet tak problémům, jak identifikovat problematické SQL dotazy a řešit tyto problémy administrátorskými prostředky, monitorovat výkonnost instance pomocí Enterprise Managera a ladit jednotlivé komponenty instance včetně parametrů instance.

  • Use the Oracle Database tuning methodology appropriate to the available tools
  • Utilize database advisors to proactively tune an Oracle Database Instance
  • Use the tools based on the Automatic Workload Repository to tune the database
  • Diagnose and tune common SQL related performance problems
  • Diagnose and tune common Instance related performance problems
  • Use Enterprise Manager performance-related pages to monitor an Oracle Database
  • Oracle Database: Administration Workshop

Metody výuky

Odborný výklad s praktickými ukázkami, cvičení na počítačích.

Formáty školení Oracle

Velmi oblíbenou formou školení jsou nahrávané kurzy On Demand zahrnující 90 dnů samostudia kdykoliv a kdekoliv s TOP lektorem. Dalšími možnými formáty studia jsou kurzy probíhající přímo v učebně v Počítačové škole Gopas nebo ve společnosti Oracle, dále formát Live Virtual Class (školení on-line) či Selft-Study (samostudium ve formě CD, nebo download).

Studijní materiály

Elektronické autorizované materiály Oracle v anglickém jazyce.


  • This lesson introduces the Performance Tuning course objectives and agenda

Basic Tuning Tools

  • Monitoring tools overview
  • Enterprise Manager
  • V$ Views, Statistics and Metrics
  • Wait Events

Using Automatic Workload Repository

  • Managing the Automatic Workload RepositoryCreate AWR Snapshots
  • Real Time SQL Monitoring (a 11.1 feature new lesson in NF L-15)

Defining Problems

  • Defining the Problem
  • Limit the Scope & Setting the Priority
  • Top SQL Reports
  • Common Tuning Problems & Tuning During the Life Cycle
  • ADDM Tuning Session
  • Performance Versus Business Requirements
  • Performance Tuning Resources & Filing a Performance Service Request
  • Monitoring and Tuning Tools: Overview

Using Metrics and Alerts

  • Metrics, Alerts, and Baselines
  • Limitation of Base Statistics & Typical Delta Tools
  • Oracle Database 11g Solution: Metrics
  • Benefits of Metrics
  • Viewing Metric History Information & Vsing EM to View Metric Details
  • Statistic Histograms & Histogram Views
  • Database Control Usage Model & Setting Thresholds
  • Server-Generated Alerts, Creating and Testing an Alert & Metric and Alert Views

Using Baselines

  • Comparative Performance Analysis with AWR Baselines
  • Automatic Workload Repository Baselines
  • Moving Window Baseline
  • Baselines in Performance Page Settings & Baseline Templates
  • AWR Baselines & Creating AWR Baselines
  • Managing Baselines with PL/SQL & Baseline Views
  • Performance Monitoring and Baselines & Defining Alert Thresholds Using a Static Baseline
  • Using EM to Quickly Configure & Changing Adaptive Threshold Settings

Using AWR Based Tools

  • Automatic Maintenance Tasks
  • ADDM Performance Monitoring
  • Active Session History: Overview

Monitoring an Application

  • What Is a Service? Service Attributes & Service Types
  • Creating Services & Managing Services in a Single-Instance Environment
  • Everything Switches to Services.
  • Using Services with Client Applications & Using Services with the Resource Manager
  • Services and Resource Manager with EM & Using Services with the Scheduler
  • Using Services with Parallel Operations & Metric Thresholds
  • Service Aggregation and Tracing & Service Aggregation Configuration.
  • Client Identifier Aggregation and Tracing & Service Performance Views

Identifying Problem SQL Statements

  • SQL Statement Processing Phases & Role of the Oracle Optimizer
  • Identifying Bad SQL, Real Time SQL Monitoring (a 11.1 feature new lesson in NF L-15) & TOP SQL Reports
  • What Is an Execution Plan? Methods for Viewing Execution Plans & Uses of Execution Plans
  • DBMS_XPLAN Package: Overview & EXPLAIN PLAN Command
  • Reading an Execution Plan, Using the V$SQL_PLAN View & Querying the AWR
  • SQL*Plus AUTOTRACE & SQL Trace Facility
  • How to Use the SQL Trace Facility
  • Generate an Optimizer Trace

Influencing the Optimizer

  • Functions of the Query Optimizer, Selectivity, Cardinality and Cost & Changing Optimizer Behavior
  • Using Hints, Optimizer Statistics & Extended Statistics
  • Controlling the Behavior of the Optimizer with Parameters
  • Enabling Query Optimizer Features & Influencing the Optimizer Approach
  • Optimizing SQL Statements, Access Paths & Choosing an Access Path
  • Join & Sort Operations
  • How the Query Optimizer Chooses Execution Plans for Joins
  • Reducing the Cost

Using SQL Performance Analyzer

  • Real Application Testing: Overview & Use Cases
  • SQL Performance Analyzer: Process & Capturing the SQL Workload
  • Creating a SQL Performance Analyzer Task & SPA (NF Lesson 9) DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_TUNING_TASK
  • Optimizer Upgrade Simulation & SQL Performance Analyzer Task Page
  • Comparison Report & Comparison Report SQL Detail
  • Tuning Regressing Statements & Preventing Regressions
  • Parameter Change Analysis & Guided Workflow Analysis
  • SQL Performance Analyzer: PL/SQL Example & Data Dictionary Views

SQL Performance Management

  • Maintaining SQL Performance and Optimizer Statistics & Automated Maintenance Tasks
  • Statistic Gathering Options & Setting Statistic Preferences
  • Restore Statistics
  • Deferred Statistics Publishing: Overview & Example
  • Automatic SQL Tuning: Overview
  • SQL Tuning Advisor: Overview
  • Using the SQL Access Advisor
  • SQL Plan Management: Overview

Using Database Replay

  • The Big Picture & System Architecture
  • Capture & Replay Considerations
  • Replay Options & Analysis
  • Database Replay Workflow in Enterprise Manager
  • Packages and Procedures
  • Data Dictionary Views: Database Replay
  • Database Replay: PL/SQL Example
  • Calibrating Replay Clients

Tuning the Shared Pool

  • Shared Pool Architecture & Operation
  • The Library Cache & Latch and Mutex
  • Diagnostic Tools for Tuning the Shared Pool
  • Avoiding Hard & Soft Parses
  • Sizing the Shared Pool & Avoiding Fragmentation
  • Data Dictionary Cache & SQL Query Result Cache
  • UGA and Oracle Shared Server
  • Large Pool & Tuning the Large Pool

Tuning the Buffer Cache

  • Oracle Database Architecture: Buffer Cache
  • Database Buffers
  • Buffer Hash Table for Lookups
  • Working Sets
  • Buffer Cache Tuning Goals and Techniques
  • Buffer Cache Performance Symptoms & Solutions
  • Automatically Tuned Multiblock Reads
  • Flushing the Buffer Cache (for Testing Only)

Tuning PGA and Temporary Space

  • SQL Memory Usage & Performance Impact
  • SQL Memory Manager
  • Configuring Automatic PGA Memory & Setting PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET Initially
  • Monitoring & Tuning SQL Memory Usage
  • PGA Target Advice Statistics & Histograms
  • Automatic PGA and Enterprise Manager & Automatic PGA and AWR Reports
  • Temporary Tablespace Management: Overview & Monit


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