Complete this course and get 90 days access to practice in e-learning version for free. You can choose the e-learning course in Czech, Slovak or English. This course is designed for users, who work with Microsoft Word on basic level. They [...]
  • MSWD2
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 11 terms
  • Praha (4 800 Kč)

    Brno (4 800 Kč)

    Bratislava (200 €)

  • Beginner

Complete this course and get 90 days access to practice in e-learning version for free. You can choose the e-learning course in Czech, Slovak or English. This course is designed for users, who work with Microsoft Word on basic level. They will learn the basics of typography and will be able to effectively create, edit, format and print usual documents.

This course is suitable for users of every version of Microsoft Office products. Word is a well-matured application and control of its interface has not changed significantly since the 2007 version. There will be latest Word version installed in the classroom.

This course is assigned for users, who already work with Microsoft Word on basic level.
Students will learn the basics of typography and will be able to effectively employ the possibilities of Microsoft Word.
Microsoft Word - elementary level

Working with files and document windows


  • Recognition, editing and creating a style
  • Headings

Document templates

  • Template properties, choosing and preparation of a template
  • Working with Organizer

Creation of tables and working with tables

  • Inserting and designing a table, editing a table
  • Calculations within tables
  • Conversion table - text
  • Sorting data in tables

Managing long documents

  • Text flow
  • Find and Replace, Go To
  • Hyphenation
  • Revision of document
  • Document sections
  • Columns
  • Header and footer
  • Initial
  • Multilevel numbering

Viewing of a document

Document content

  • Using heading styles when creating content
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.