This course is assigned for users, who already know the basic use of Microsoft Visio and want to learn advanced functions. Students will learn how to interconnect Microsoft Visio and other applications and databases through macros, reports and [...]
  • MSVI2
  • Duration 1 day
  • 0 ITK points
  • 4 terms
  • Praha (3 300 Kč)

    Brno (3 300 Kč)

    Bratislava (140 €)

This course is assigned for users, who already know the basic use of Microsoft Visio and want to learn advanced functions. Students will learn how to interconnect Microsoft Visio and other applications and databases through macros, reports and text files. Further, they will learn how to edit basic properties of inserted shapes. At the end of the course, we will show you Visual Basic on easy example.

This course is assigned for users, who already know Microsoft Visio on basic level and want to learn advanced functions.
You will learn how to interconnect Microsoft Visio and other applications and databases through macros, reports and text files. Further, you will learn how to edit basic properties of inserted shapes. At the end of the course, we will show you Visual Basic for Visio on easy example.
Basic work with computer and knowledge of Microsoft Visio on MSVI1 level.


  • Stencil Section Overview
  • Creating Custom Library

Advanced Formatting

  • Custom Lines
  • Custom Filling


  • ShapeSheet Section Overview
  • Shape Characteristics
  • Advanced Characteristics
  • Examples

    Custom Properties

  • Defining and using Customs Properties
  • Special Drawing Operations

    Working with External Data

  • Exporting Data from a Drawing
  • Working with Linked Data
  • Managing Drawings and Data
  • Creating Drawing from txt file

    Introduction to Visual Basic

  • Brief Overview
  • Example
  • Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.