The course is intended for all those who have been introduced to the Microsoft Project programme and want to practice their knowledge on practical examples. The course attendees will practice planning and managing projects, inputting and [...]
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 8 terms
  • Praha (6 600 Kč)

    Brno (6 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (280 €)

  • Intermediate

The course is intended for all those who have been introduced to the Microsoft Project programme and want to practice their knowledge on practical examples. The course attendees will practice planning and managing projects, inputting and setting up tasks, administering sources, solving source overload and monitoring plan progress and creating exit documentation.

This course is suitable for users of every version of Microsoft Office products. Project is a well-matured application and control of its interface has not changed significantly since the 2013 version. Current version of application will be prepared in the classroom.


The course is intended for intermediate and advanced users of MS Project who have been introduced to the programme or are actively using it. To demonstrate teamwork will be used MS SharePoint Server.

Course attendees will learn not only to set projects in MS Project correctly but also how to effectively rework and correct ongoing projects by using Tasks Correction, how to set up calendars, task relation, administration of resources and suitable allocation of resources. During the course attendees will practice solutions to resource overload, monitor plan progress of projects, use resource funds and collaborate between projects. Further, They will learn to work with project data. The whole range of problematics will be practised with practical case studies.

Basic knowledge of Windows

  • Basic notions
  • What’s new in MS Project
Creation and management of schedules
  • Task definition, outline, WBS, formatting, …
  • Task bindings, time constraints
  • Role of calendars in schedules
  • Automatic/manual tasks
  • Schedules modification
  • Free slack analysis
  • Task tracing
Resource definition
  • Understanding of tasks in projects
  • Tasks types
Resource assignment
  • Different assignment methods according to time and resource availability or work amount demant
  • Resources work report
  • Options of resource leveling
Cost analysis
  • Fixed costs assigned to tasks
  • Resources costs
  • Budgetary costs
  • Cost reports
Monitoring of running project
  • Idea of baseline
  • Entering of actual values
  • Smooth task updates
  • Progress monitoring – variances between baseline and actual plan
  • Actual project state reports
  • Using predefined visual reports, their modifications, definitions of new ones
  • Essential project information via email
  • Well-arranged export to MS PowerPoint
  • Suitable views and their customization
  • Printed reports
  • Export to MS Excel
  • Analysis using MS Excel (pivot tables, conditional formatting)
Enviroment customization (tables, views, fields)
Team cooperation
  • Resource pool – resource sharing (without MS Project Server)
  • Super and sub projects
  • Efficient communication using MS SharePoint
  • Solving of known conflict situations
  • Comparison of project versions
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.