An essential tool for ensuring a uniform corporate design in PowerPoint environment, which is consistent with the graphic manual (company visuals) is a template (POTX, POT). This seminar aims to familiarize participants with the specifics of [...]
  • MSPW3
  • Duration 1 day
  • 0 ITK points
  • 3 terms
  • Praha (3 300 Kč)

    Brno (3 300 Kč)

    Bratislava (140 €)

  • Intermediate

An essential tool for ensuring a uniform corporate design in PowerPoint environment, which is consistent with the graphic manual (company visuals) is a template (POTX, POT). This seminar aims to familiarize participants with the specifics of template creation and prepare them for the problems which in practice may encounter. More than training it is practical workshop (hands-on-lab, ...), which is thematically based on the training MSPW2, but unlike these general training is focused specifically on the issue of preparation of templates and related aspects. The result of the seminar is easy to use, well-defined template, with proper built-in layouts, correct color scheme. In the workshop we will also touch on solving conflict situations, template distribution or usage of a new template to an existing presentations using old template or local formatting. Training does not depend on the Powerpoint version, all demonstrations will take place on version 2019.


The course is intended for users responsible for the preparation of corporate presentations.

Good knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint on the level of training MSPW213/MSPW210.

Common problems in corporate environment without templates

  • uncontrolled use of corporate identity
  • inability to make simple changes in your presentations
  • unprofessional visual
  • print problems
  • long-time preparation and finalization of the complicated presentations
  • complicated composing of presentation of different teams

Terminology explanation

  • template
  • template file
  • theme
  • slide master
  • slide layout
  • placeholder/textbox

troubles with so-called. 'local' format

creating of custom template

  • company logo
  • custom layout
  • modification of header/text format
  • custom color scheme
  • header & footer
  • slide background
  • slide size
  • color variants of presentattion
  • transitions & default animations
  • slide numbering

modification of existing template

solving "TOC" slides in presentation

solving of conflict situations

template distribution

  • POT or POTX format?
  • Office themes
  • default template
  • template protection

aplying of new template to existing presentations

Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.