The course is more of a cross-section presentation / demonstration of topics that briefly, quickly and comprehensively introduces the essential applications’ functionalities across the package of Microsoft Office applications. The course is an [...]
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (9 400 Kč)

    Brno (9 400 Kč)

    Bratislava (400 €)

  • Intermediate

The course is more of a cross-section presentation / demonstration of topics that briefly, quickly and comprehensively introduces the essential applications’ functionalities across the package of Microsoft Office applications. The course is an intense broadening of horizons without any emphasis on independent practice of topics on computers. The center of presentation includes the issue of teamwork, time management tools, data analysis, problematic editing of text documents.

  • All users who do not have the time for participation on our standard courses and who want to use this short and intensive meeting to identify the very helpful, although not commonly known possibilities of Microsoft Office.
  • Online services of Office 365
  • Philosophy of onedrive storage
  • The discussed online applications and their linkage to the classic desktop applications


Module Tasks

  • Creation of a task and assigning it to another user
  • Continuous updating of task by subordinates
  • Synchronized copy of task in the manager's folder
  • Multilevel tasking according to the organizational hierarchy
  • Compared with the indication sent to the recipient

Sharing of information in Outlook

  • Setting of accesses to the Outlook folders
  • Public Folders

Delegation of powers

  • Creation of a user with special authorizations - access to calendar, address book, e-mails written in behalf of etc.
    The principle of electronic signature


Tool for GTD - Getting Things Done

Notebook structure

Making notes

Tasks List made of notes

Linking the notes to Outlook folders

  • Connections to task folder
  • Links to calendar entries

Mobile OneNote Application

Cooperation with other Office applications

Notes synchronization within the team


Information Visualization in Data

  • Conditional formatting, fine configuration of rules
  • Sparklines 
  • Charts
  • Accessories for data visualization through the PowerView and PowerMap
  • A revolutionary access to data using PowerQuery

Data analysis via PivotTable and PivotChart

  • Summary Functions
  • Analytical calculations
  • Data grouping - the advantages and disadvantages, alternative procedures
  • Counted entries and fields, ratios
  • Simultaneous bulk filtering in multiple tables / charts - an idea of dashboard

Automation of routine operations when working with data

  • formats, copy of formulas, summarization, symbolic addressing of areas with flexible dimension (eg. If the source is a PT)

View information about projects (Gantt chart / bar chart template)

Sharing workbooks in Excel


Preparation of contracts, bids, etc.

  • Multilevel chapter numbering
  • Linkage to Styles mechanism

Teamwork during document creation

  • Revision
  • Documents comparison

Upgradable parts of the document

  • References to places in the document (cross referencing field in the header / footer)
  • Numbered titles of images, tables, charts, ...
  • Lists of titles, pictures, tables, charts, ...

PDFs - creating and editing

Generating of bulk emails


Collective editing of presentations design using the so-called Master slides / originals

Instant creation of diagrams and schemes

Presenter’s view - allowed presentations’ doping

Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.