Kurz představuje Java module system (Jigsaw) a další novinky v Java SE 9. Mezi nimi jsou JShell, pomocné metody pro práci s kolekcemi a poli, vylepšení Stream API, nebo třeba detailnější možnosti nastavení anotace @Deprecated. Největší [...]
  • D99947
  • Duration 2 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (24 392 Kč)

    Brno (24 392 Kč)

    Bratislava (900 €)

Kurz představuje Java module system (Jigsaw) a další novinky v Java SE 9. Mezi nimi jsou JShell, pomocné metody pro práci s kolekcemi a poli, vylepšení Stream API, nebo třeba detailnější možnosti nastavení anotace @Deprecated. Největší novinkou Java SE 9 je bezesporu modularizace JRE, z které benefituje jak samotné běhové prostředí (možnost sestavit si odlehčenou verzi JRE na míru pro svoji desktopovou aplikaci), tak i programátoři knihoven, kteří mohou jasně definovat, které třídy jsou veřejné a které naopak implementační detail, co se může v průbehu času měnit. Je to novinka tak zásadní, že její zvládnutí bude v budoucnu nutnost. Pojďte se s ní seznámit na tento kurz!

  • Kurz je vhodný pro Java programátory, kteří používají starší verzi Javy (5-8) a chtějí se obeznámit s novinkami Java SE 9, například psát modularizované knihovny.
  • Design applications to take advantage of the module system and its more reliable configuration, improved security and performance, and more easily scalable applications.
  • Migrate existing applications to a modular applications in a step-by-step manner, choosing which parts of the application to migrate first.
  • Deal with common problems encountered in migrating an application, including, cyclic dependencies and split packages.
  • Use services to make modularized applications more robust and easily extensible.
  • Create multi-release JAR files that can be run on different Java releases.
  • Use convenience methods to reduce code that seems verbose, inefficient or boilerplate, and increase readability.
  • Use JShell to quickly run small code experiments and test new APIs.
  • Znalost Java SE programování na běžné úrovni, generics, lambda výrazy, Stream API.

Why Modules?

  • Module System
  • Levels of a Typical Application
  • How Does Java SE 8 Address Maintainability and Reliability?
  • Classes, Subclasses, Interfaces
  • Class Level Unit of Reuse (Java SE 8)
  • Packages
  • JARs
  • JAR Files and Distribution Issues

Working with the Module System

  • Projects Before Modularization
  • module-info.java: Introduction
  • Creating a Truly Modular Project
  • Compiling Modular JAR Files
  • Accessibility Between Classes
  • Readability Between Modules
  • What Is Readable from the competition Module?
  • The Effects of Exporting

Modular JDK

  • Modular Development in JDK 9
  • The JDK
  • The Modular JDK
  • Modules in JDK 9
  • Java SE Modules
  • The Module Graph of Java SE
  • The Base Module
  • Finding the Right Platform Module

Creating Custom Runtime Images

  • What Is a Custom Runtime Image?
  • Link Time
  • Using jlink to Create a Custom Runtime Image
  • Modules Resolved in a Custom Runtime Image
  • Advantages of a Custom Runtime Image
  • JIMAGE Format
  • Footprint of a Custom Runtime Image
  • jlink Resolves Transitive Dependencies


  • Typical Application
  • The League Application
  • Run the Application
  • The Unnamed Module
  • Top-Down Migration
  • Dependencies
  • Check Dependencies
  • Typical Application Modularized


  • Module Dependencies
  • Service Relationships
  • Expressing Service Relationships
  • Using the Service Type in competition
  • Choosing a Provider Class
  • Module Dependencies and Services
  • Designing a Service Type
  • TeamGameManager Application with Additional Services

Multi-release JAR files

  • Packaging an Application for Different JDKs
  • Packaging an Application for Different JDK Versions
  • The Solution: A Multi-Release JAR file
  • What Is a Multi-Release JAR File?
  • Structure of a JAR File
  • Structure of a Multi-Release JAR File
  • Search Process in an MRJAR
  • Creating a Multi-Release JAR File

Private Interface Methods

  • Private Methods in Interfaces
  • Java SE 7 Interfaces
  • Implementing Java SE 7 Interface Methods
  • Implementing Methods in Interfaces
  • What About the Problems of Multiple Inheritance?
  • Inheritance Rules of default Methods
  • Interfaces Don't Replace Abstract Classes

Enhancements to the Stream API

  • One More Benefit of Default Methods
  • Changing a Java Interface
  • Why Enhance the Stream API?
  • An Ordered List
  • takeWhile Provides a Solution
  • The Effects and Benefits of takeWhile
  • An Unordered List
  • filter vs takeWhile


  • Has This Happened to You?
  • A Million Test Classes and Main Methods
  • JShell Provides a Solution
  • Comparing Normal Execution with REPL
  • Getting Started with JShell and REPL
  • Scratch Variables
  • Declaring Traditional Variables
  • Code Snippets

Convenience Methods for Collections

  • What Are Convenience Methods?
  • Many Convenience Methods in Java SE 9
  • Key Collections Interfaces
  • Overloading the of Convenience Method
  • Why Overload the of Method?
  • Growing a Collection
  • ofEntries() Method for Maps
  • Immutability

Convenience Methods for Arrays

  • Arrays
  • Modeling DNA Strands
  • Working with DNA Strands
  • Working with DNA Strands by Using a for Loop
  • Convenience Methods in the Arrays Class
  • Equating DNA Strands
  • DNA Subsequences
  • Equating Subsequences of DNA

Enhanced Deprecations for APIs

  • What Is Deprecation?
  • What Is Enhanced Deprecation?
  • How Do You Deprecate an API?
  • Using @deprecated
  • Enhancements to the @Deprecated Annotation in JDK 9
  • Using the @Deprecated Annotation
  • Notifications and Warnings
  • Compiler Deprecation Warnings
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