A comprehensive exposure to some of the advanced features and functions of the language for experienced RPG IV programmers.
  • AS10G
  • Duration 4 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (56 000 Kč)

    Brno (on request)

    Bratislava (2 240 €)

A comprehensive exposure to some of the advanced features and functions of the language for experienced RPG IV programmers.

Each student will have a dedicated workstation to complete the numerous practical exercises. Sample solutions will also be provided.
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
  • Use address pointers and user spaces in RPG IV programs
  • Write database triggers in RPG IV
  • Develop ILE modular objects and package them in service programs
  • Explain the purpose of ILE Activation Groups
  • Explain the behavior of Error Handling and Percolation in ILE
  • Code an ILE Error Handling program
  • Call iSeries APIs from RPG IV programs
  • Describe how to use CGI in RPG IV for web applications

    Required skills

    Before attending this course, the student should be able to:
  • Code subfile-processing programs in RPG IV
  • Employ error-handling features of the RPG IV language
  • Describe the basic concepts of ILE and modular program design
  • Use free-format coding techniques
  • Write date-processing routines which employ built-in functions

    Course Outline

  • Basic API Programming
  • RPG IV Features
  • Leveraging DB2 UDB Database Features
  • Advanced ILE Topics
  • ILE Error Handling and Condition Handlers
  • ILE CEE API Programming
  • Basic Web Enablement
  • Other RPG IV Compiler Features
  • Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.