This course will familiarize trainees with collective deployment of iOS devices (iPad, iPhone) in environments with a larger number of these devices (companies, schools, healthcare, government) and their integration into the local network [...]
  • IOS2
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (11 300 Kč)

    Brno (11 300 Kč)

    Bratislava (450 €)

  • Intermediate

This course will familiarize trainees with collective deployment of iOS devices (iPad, iPhone) in environments with a larger number of these devices (companies, schools, healthcare, government) and their integration into the local network according with maintaining user and safety standards. It also discusses the problems of heterogeneous networks and deploying iOS devices in a “non-Apple” environment or jointly with OS X server.
On the course, participants will use a borrowed iPad.


The course is designed for administrators and managers who need to deploy and manage large volumes of iOS devices in MS Windows and Mac OS X networks.

  • theoretical bases of deploying iOS devices in homogeneous and heterogeneous networks with MS Windows and Mac OS X
  • Apple Configurator and Profile Manager usage to manage iOS devices
  • securing iOS devices
  • bulk purchase applications
  • iOS knowledge within the scope of the course [IOS1] iPad + iPhone – complete course for end-users
  • knowledge of Mac OS X and Apple platform in general
  • networking knowledge
Collective deployment – an idea
  • terms definition
  • where use is appropriate; usage examples
  • pros and cons
  • consequences that follow from it
  • plan of mass deployment
Apple vs. corporate network
  • heterogeneous networks in general
  • compatibility inside the network
  • iOS vs. Windows – the most common use
Technical requirement
  • expertise knowledge
  • hardware and software required
  • installation complexity and management
Corporate environment
  • domain usage
  • device deployment in domains
  • Active Directory vs. iOS device
  • other possibilities
Apple configurator
  • application description and purpose
  • device preparation – options and adjustments
  • setting of start-up dialogs
  • “supervision” – device management
  • applications installation and management
  • system policies
  • user profiles
  • users and their data (files)
User policies
  • summary of possible policies
  • step-by-step follow-up of each policy – purpose, configuration, usage
  • best policies for various user scenarios
  • iOS devices in network – possible security risks
  • enrollment and configuration of wireless network according to corporate security policies
  • best practices for iOS
Practical exercise – Apple configurator
  • creating of your own configuration using Apple configurator according to lecturer's task
  • presentation and examination of created configurations
  • another possibilities, tips and procedures in practical exercise
Bulk application purchasing (Volume licensing)
  • service description, availability and conditions
  • service advantages
  • distribution of applications
  • implementation in Apple configurator
Profile manager (OS X server)
  • introduction, service describe, running conditions
  • configuration interface
  • web interface
  • sight from user side – profile installation, advantages, limitations
  • MDM (mobile device management)
  • united configuration for both iOS and OS X
  • usage of applications and ebooks mass distribution
  • devices mass enrolment
  • system policies, restrictions
Practical exercise – Profile manager
  • demonstration of creating your own configuration using Profile manager
  • step-by-step configuration description and explanation of other possibilities
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.