This course trains the skills that are needed to deploy FileNet workflow applications from one environment to another. If you are enrolling in a Self Paced Virtual Classroom or Web Based Training course, before you enroll, please review the [...]
  • F237G
  • Duration 1 day
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (12 400 Kč)

    Brno (12 400 Kč)

    Bratislava (493 €)

This course trains the skills that are needed to deploy FileNet workflow applications from one environment to another. If you are enrolling in a Self Paced Virtual Classroom or Web Based Training course, before you enroll, please review the Self-Paced Virtual Classes and Web-Based Training Classes on our Terms and Conditions page, as well as the system requirements, to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for this course

  • Workflow System Administrator responsible for deploying the workflow application into other environments, for example Quality Assurance testing or Production.
  • Workflow Author responsible for developing FileNet workflow applications who needs to package the application in preparation for deployment to other environments.
  • Anyone who needs to deploy FileNet workflow applications from one environment to another.

    What we teach you

    • Understand the process of moving FileNet Workflow applications.
    • Prepare for workflow application deployment.
    • Export the application assets or extract the application assets from an application package.
    • Analyze the impact of the deployment on the destination environment.
    • Import the application assets and complete the application deployment.
    • Use the FileNet Deployment Manager command line interface.

    Required skills

    Prior knowledge that is required:

    • Basic knowledge of organization’s business process applications.
    • Basic knowledge of database technology.
    • PCs, networks, and their organization’s server operating systems at the expert level
    • Prerequisite courses:
    • F115G IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2: Implementation and Administration
    • F230G IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1: Introduction
    • F231G IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1: Configure the workflow system
    • F232G IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1: Workflow security

    Course outline

    • How to move FileNet workflow applications
    • Elements of a FileNet workflow application
    • Understand the migration and deployment process
    • What are the deployment phases?
    • What tools are used for application deployment?
    • Prepare for application deployment
    • Assemble deployment instructions.
    • Identify the FileNet application artifacts and assets.
    • Verify source and destination environment compatibility.
    • Export the application assets
    • Export FileNet P8 domain assets
    • Create or update export manifest
    • Export assets to a deployment dataset
    • Extract the source environment half maps
    • Create a deployment package
    • Export other IBM and external assets
    • Export user interface assets
    • Convert and analyze the FileNet P8 assets
    • Prepare the destination environment
    • Extract the destination environment half maps
    • Create a source-destination pair definition
    • Create the conversion data maps
    • Converting assets for import
    • Perform a change impact analysis
    • Import the application assets
    • Import pre-requisite assets
    • Import FileNet P8 assets
    • Import non-FileNet P8 assets
    • Use the FDM command line interface
    • Introduction to the command line interface
    • Deployment operations
    • Appendix
    • Solutions to Exercises.
    • Start and Stop System Components.
    Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

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