This is an introduction course to entirely new Digital Capabilities Management Model (DCMM), targeted to collaborative and innovation focused management of internal IT departments, supporting organization’s wide digital transformation [...]
  • Duration 1 day
  • 0 ITK points
  • 3 terms
  • Praha (12 860 Kč)

    Brno (on request)

    Bratislava (795 €)

This is an introduction course to entirely new Digital Capabilities Management Model (DCMM), targeted to collaborative and innovation focused management of internal IT departments, supporting organization’s wide digital transformation efforts. Support of continual learning and adaptations, artificial intelligence and machine learning a machine supported decision making.


Any IT professional aiming to learn about radically new management model supporting digital
transformation a working in collaborative networks.

Learn participant new management model discontinuing service management logic. Course
participants will understand key differences between service economy logic and collaborative models,
where driving motivation is minimized administrative overhead, flexibility, sharing of resources and
maximized benefit measured on the organization level. Model supports usage of artificial intelligence
and machine supported complex analysis and decision support.
Related SFIA skills: ITSP – Strategic planning, GOVN – Governance, INOV – Innovation, METL – Methods
and tools, OCDV – Organisational capability development

No pre-requisites.

  • The logic of ITSM and its consequences
  • Context of Agile
  • Management patterns
  • Key attributes of collaboration inside the organization
  • Digital capabilities management model components
  • DCMM model principles
  • Activities and complex stories as source of learning
  • Digital agents and capabilities, support of artificial intelligence, adaptations and learning
  • Techniques – CVC, ADRA, RBA
  • Online certification exam DCMM Masterclass
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.