To introduce participants to various options and tools for development of own applications used to automate configuration and monitoring on a Cisco Nexus(NX-OS) platform. Participants will gain practical experience with NX-OS "On-Box" and [...]
  • DC-PRG1
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (35 200 Kč)

    Brno (35 200 Kč)

    Bratislava (1 320 €)

  • Intermediate

To introduce participants to various options and tools for development of own applications used to automate configuration and monitoring on a Cisco Nexus(NX-OS) platform. Participants will gain practical experience with NX-OS "On-Box" and "Off-Box API" tools as well as they get basic overview of programming for Cisco ACI. The training course contains several hands-on labs providing participants with opportunity to implement prepared examples and perform their own experiments around them.


Participants are expected to have fundamental TCP/IP networking knowledge and experience with administration of Cisco Nexus devices and NX-OS CLI (Command Line Interface). As the course is software oriented, good experience with programming/scripting in Python language is needed as well.

  • Development Environment Preparation
  • Network APIs & Automation Protocols
  • Cisco Nexus Programmability Introduction
  • On-Box Programmability and Automation with Cisco Nexus NX-OS
  • NX-OS Bash Scripting
  • Cisco Nexus Linux Containers
  • NX-OS Python Library
  • Off-Box Programmability and Automation with Cisco Nexus NX-OS
  • Cisco Nexus NX-API
  • Cisco Nexus NX-API REST Object Oriented Data Model
  • Cisco ACI Programmability Overview
Current offer
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Course language

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